fresh line

fresh linefresh line
  1. He took hold of the line carefully so that it did not fit into any of the fresh line cuts and shifted his weight so that he could put his left hand into the sea on the other side of the skiff .


  2. On-demand pumps have a pressure switch that makes the pump build up pressure in the fresh water line .


  3. Divers on Monday installed a fresh anchor line on the ferry to enter from a new point , Mr. Ko said .


  4. Fresh water load line in summer


  5. Based on the analysis of fresh perishable product line , this paper builds the cost function of distribution and cold-chain logistics for urban vehicle routing model .


  6. Has produces the normal temperature to maintain freshness specially the Ukraine winter noodles production line , The quick-freeze noodles production line and lives the fresh noodles production line .


  7. Venezuela , already a major borrower from China , is seeking a fresh $ 4bn credit line .


  8. As millions of air travelers embark on holiday flights this week , some of them will be flying on jetliners fresh off the assembly line


  9. As the aircraft was fresh off the assembly line , I can assure you that there was no problem with the public address system , but the speakers ' accents left more than a few passengers confused as we were tossed about over the Bay of Bengal .
